与顾问合作,根据你的职业抱负定制你的教育经历,同时参加各种学科的课程,以满足你希望参加的医科大学的医学预科或牙科预科的要求. Our pre-med and pre-dental tracks are tracks within our Biology degree.
根据你想申请的药学院的目录,建立一个教育路径, 这让你比其他没有获得药学预科生物学学位的学生有很大的优势. Our pre-pharmacy track is a track within our Biology degree.
Customize a course of study by working with an advisor, 为你想要进入的专业课程做准备. 我们的pre-PT课程也是一个3年的本科和2年的快速课程.在我们的物理治疗博士项目中进行5年的研究生学习! 大多数物理治疗师在四年内获得学士学位,然后再完成三年的学习以获得博士学位, but you can get your Doctor of Physical Therapy in only 5.5 years at HSU. Our pre-PT track is a track within our Biology degree.
获得作为团队成员的实践经验,同时发展基本的医疗技能,以成功完成研究生医师助理计划. Our pre-PA track is a track within our Biology degree.
希望参加软件工程或计算机科学研究生课程的学生强烈建议 major in computer science and minor in mathematics; major in mathematics and minor in computer science; or double major in mathematics and computer science.
HSU SLP研究生课程欢迎所有来自HSU CSD系的学生通过CSDCAS申请. HSU为在HSU完成CSD课程的本科生保留至少5个研究生SLP课程的名额,前提是他们的总GPA达到3分.25 and they meet other admission requirements, 包括GRE高分和可以接受的面试. Preference to additional HSU CSD and leveling students will be considered when making final seat selections.
通过个人建议和指导,为专业兽医计划做好准备, hands-on experience with various wildlife, and unique research opportunities. Our pre-veterinary medicine track is a track within our Biology degree.